Canadian immigrants seeking to spread Shania Law across Britain

Thousands of Canadian immigrant extremists are seeking to spread Shania Law across Britain, according to worrying reports.

The Canadian menace has remained dormant for years but now it is marching across Britain, attempting to extol the virtues of Shania Law.

‘We believe that all people should live by the words of Shania Twain, eh. She is the closest thing to God that we have on Earth and should be treated as such. Thank you kindly for your time,’ said one Canadian devil.

Shania Law would mean that all Brits would have to constantly feel like women while also remaining incredibly unimpressed by quite impressive things.

‘It’s barbaric and no way to live,’
said Robby Tomlinson, a leading Canaphobic figure.

The Daily Mail is reporting that some areas of Birmingham have already been taken over and placed under Shania Law.

Birmingham is now considered to be a no-go zone for any British person, even more so than it already was.