Gazza bombed by Israel in administrative cock-up

Former footballer Paul ‘Gazza’ Gascoigne has been bombed by Israel due to an administrative error, it’s emerged.

The Israeli military says that they targeted Gazza’s home in Dorset due to an unfortunate typo in the orders they received.

‘We were supposed to bomb the Gaza Strip but, due to an administrative error, our orders told us to bomb Gazza. We were confused by the orders but we’ve learned not to questions our orders,’ said one of the strike team.

The airstrikes on Gazza’s home lasted for over ten minutes before they ceased, according to one neighbour.

‘There were dozens of very fancy looking planes dropping bombs on Paul’s house. Fortunately, we live in a detached housing area, so our home was fine. We rang the police to complain about the noise but they said they were busy and couldn’t send anyone out for at least an hour. Typical,’ said one anonymous neighbour.

Thankfully, Gazza escaped from the wreckage of his house completely unharmed.

‘It’ll take more than that to kill a Geordie!’ he told us.

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