‘If I’m going to have anxiety, it’ll be on my terms,’ says man on sixth cup of coffee

A man has declared war on his anxiety by downing six cups of strong coffee, believing this act of stupidity somehow puts him in charge.

Tim Iddlestone, 36, has determined that if he’s going to have anxiety, he’s going to have it on his terms; and these terms are based entirely on his drinking an obscene amount of coffee.

‘It doesn’t seem to matter what I do, I’m always anxious. So I might as well have some fun with it and take back control. That’s why I’m currently on my sixth cup of coffee and I have no intentions of this being my last.

‘If I’m going to have anxiety, it’ll be on my terms,’ Tim told us.

Tim will also presumably conceive his impending diarrhoea attack as something he’s completely in control of, even if his bowels aren’t.

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