Cooking instructions confidently thrown away sheepishly retrieved five minutes later

Food packaging which contained vital cooking instructions has been thrown away with confidence before being sheepishly retrieved, it’s emerged.

Shani Bowers, 27, had all the confidence in the world after taking twenty seconds to scan the packet of pre-cooked shite she’d bought for dinner.

“Okay, so I just bung it in the oven at that temperature for twenty minutes. Easy!” she told herself, tossing the instructions without a care in the world.

But, after five minutes of cooking, doubt began to fill Shani’s mind.

“Wait. What temperature was it I was supposed to be cooking at? And for how long? Where are those instructions when you need them?” she said before fishing the packaging out of the bin like a forgetful little hobo.

The instructions confirmed what Shani already knew and were then promptly put back in the bin. This dance was performed two more times before the food was finally cooked.

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