JK Rowling reveals that Quidditch players routinely suffered from cauliflower arsehole

JK Rowling has made yet another stunning revelation about the Potterverse today when she tweeted that Quidditch players often suffered from cauliflower arsehole.

Quidditch, a game that involves sharp turns and rough-riding on a broomstick, caused many of its players to suffer from cauliflower arsehole.

‘Cauliflower arsehole affected roughly two-thirds of all Quidditch players and there was no cure – not even a magic spell could sort it out,’ tweeted Rowling.

JK Rowling went on to explain that cauliflower arsehole created a hard puffy appearance around the anus which never went away and affected the function performance of hole.

‘In many ways, Quidditch players were the bravest heroes in the Potterverse,’ said Rowling.

Fans have been left stunned by the revelation, although it’s not the first time someone in the Potterverse has retroactively been given a battered ring.